




Infant Baptism

Baptism, the first and fundamental sacrament and the gate to the other sacraments, is the purifying and sanctifying sacrament of rebirth. It is the means by which its recipients are incorporated into the church in a sacramental bond of unity.   Parents of children to be baptized should call the parish office for arrangements of date of baptism and instruction. 


           Baptisms normally follow the Saturday Evening 4:30PM Mass or Sunday Morning 9:30AM Mass, but other times can
be arranged. One of the priests or deacons of the parish usually officiates at baptisms but if your family has a priest or deacon who is special to you, feel free to invite him and will be happy to accommodate.


          According to Church Law, each child should have a male and female godparent or sponsor.

         At least one godparent must be a baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic Church and at least 16 years of age. If two Catholics are not
able to serve as godparents, a baptized Christian at least 16 years of age may act as sponsor.

        Parents may not be godparents for their own child’s Baptism.


        No specific offering is expected for a Baptism. If parents wish to make an offering to the Church or the priest or deacon, it will be gratefully accepted.


First Communion

As children reach the age of reason, generally around age seven, the Church extends to them an invitation to celebrate the sacrament of Eucharist. The initiation into the Christian community that took place at baptism is further extended by inviting children to enter fully into the heart of Christian faith through participation in the Eucharist.  For more information, please contact Mrs. Danielle Hurtt, CRE at 314-966-3780 or email



By a signing with the gift of the Spirit, confirmation enriches the baptized with the Holy Spirit, binding them more perfectly to the Church, and strengthening them in their witness to Christ by word and deed and in their work to bring to its fullness the Body of Christ. Confirmation is conferred through anointing with chrism and the laying on of hands.  For more information please contact Mrs. Danielle Hurtt, CRE at 314-966-3780 or email



Through penance, the faithful receive pardon through God's mercy for the sins they have committed. At the same time, they are reconciled with the Church community. The confession, or disclosure, of sins frees us and facilitates our reconciliation with others.  Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 3:45-4:15 pm and anytime by appointment by contacting the parish office.



At least six months prior to the intended date call the Ste. Gen parish priest or the parish secretary for the necessary preparations.


Anointing of the Sick

A communal celebration is scheduled twice each year.  Individual administration of the sacrament is available by calling the parish office for anyone seriously ill or in advanced years.


Rite of Christian Initiation

Are you interested in becoming Catholic?   RCIA introduces people to the Catholic faith and way of life through praying, sharing the Bible, and serving along with the community.   If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Danielle Hurtt, CRE at 314-966-3780 or email