Parish Life

Liturgical Ministries

Eucharistic Ministers --  assist the celebrant in the distribution of Holy Communion at all celebrations of the Eucharist.   If you would like more information please contact Deacon Matt Witte at 314-374-4044 or the parish office at 314-966-3780 or email

Lectors/Readers  --  proclaim the Word of God during Sunday Mass.  If you would like more information please contact Deacon Matt Witte at 314-374-4044 or the parish office at 314-966-3780 or email

Ushers -- pass the collection basket during Mass and on occation, bulletins after Mass.   If interested you can talk to any usher before or after Mass.

Altar Servers --  children of the parish in grades 5 through 8.   Please contact Deacon Matt Witte at 314-374-4044 or the parish office at 314-966-3780 or email if interested.  

Music Ministry -- singing is praying twice!  If interested contact Laura Stoessel,


Spiritual Life

Eucharistic Adoration is a devotion of the Blessed Sacrament in church every Wednesday of the week 8:30am to 3:00pm.  This one hour spent in Eucharistic Adoratrion can be the most peaceful and satisfying hour of your entire week.    If you would like to sign up for a particular time please contact the parish office at 314-966-3780 or email

Respect Life Apostolate strives to ensure a culture of life through prayer, education, and public witness.   If you would like more information regarding activities please contact Dette Reh at 314-822-1909.

ACTS Retreat is a three day Catholic retreat with spiritual direction available during the weekend.   Retreats for men and women are given separately.    The retreat facilitates attainment of a new or deeper relationship with the Lord through Adoration, Community, Theology, Service.    Interested in learning more?    Please call the parish office at 314-966-3780 or email

Parish Prayer Line -- for all men and women to pray for the special needs of parish members, particularly for illness and surgery.    If you would like to join, please contact Traci Ragsdale at 314-822-0888.



Church Mice (Sunday School for Preschoolers) -- teaches children ages 3 - 6 about Jesus.   We read stories, do crafts, sing songs, and play games.  Weekly lesson plans are provided.    We meet in the school cafeteria on Sundays during the 9:30am Mass, September through May only.    Questions?    Please call Carol Mullenix at 314-602-8705.


Parish Outreach

St. Liborius Social Ministries supports people who are in a crisis situation and live within and around Ste. Genevieve du Bois boundaries.    They provide temporary quick fix to individuals and families, such as help with utility bills, rent, etc., to get them through a short-term problem.    Men and women adult volunteers of any age are welcome.    If interested, please contact the parish office at 314-966-3780 or email



Knights of Columbus shared principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism were handed down by the founder Fr. McGivney and the Order's first leaders.   Meetings are at 7:00pm the second Tuesday of each month.   If you would like more information please contact Dave Hagan

Welcome Committee  If you would like to join us please contact Lynn Berry at 314-822-3998.

Athletic Commission manages all athletic programs in the parish for children from kindergarten through high school.   Meetings are held at 7:00pm on the second Thursday of the month.  Please contact Paul St. Cin